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days matter

美 [deɪz ˈmætər]英 [deɪz ˈmætə(r)]
  • 网络倒数日
days matterdays matter
  1. Cos the days no matter no more .


  2. This can be part of the healing or bottoming process , but chances are it might also lead to low volume days no matter where the tape is heading .


  3. The cut got dirty and after a few days began to matter .


  4. WE all have those days where no matter how much you eat , you 're never totally satisfied .


  5. A : Job security is extremely hard to come by these days , no matter what profession you choose .


  6. It takes from five to10 days , no matter what you do , so focus on comfort .


  7. When you 're an attacking player in a top club these days , stats matter .


  8. In those days , this matter of slavery had never been canvassed as it has now .


  9. In different sowing dates , at boll age of 14 days , dry matter accumulation characteristics in cotton fiber showed : B1B2B3 .


  10. Results : The results showed that previous four days the organic matter was daily averagely biodegraded by 5.2 % , the latter three days by 2.2 % during the initial stage of aerobic treatment .


  11. Water stress and leaf removal lead to the largest dry matter accumulation above ground gradually reduce , the time of maximum accumulation rate advance , the average rate of accumulation and the days of dry matter accumulation gradually reduce . 3 .


  12. In these days of psychology the matter no longer looks so simple as it did eighty years ago .


  13. Of course I can give a referral , and I tell her so , but I suggest she take a few days to consider the matter .


  14. As a matter of facts , science is still working on it , trying to find ways of enhancing energy storage techniques so that coming of night or cloudy days really wouldn 't matter .
